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Produkt zum Begriff Android:

  • Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung ¿ (k)ein unternehmerisches Dilemma
    Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung ¿ (k)ein unternehmerisches Dilemma

    Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung ¿ (k)ein unternehmerisches Dilemma , Dieses Fachbuch, ausgezeichnet mit dem Austrian SDG-Award 2021 in der Kategorie Medien, wirft einen konstruktiv kritischen Blick auf die zwei großen Themen unserer Zeit: Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Die strategischen und operativen Einsatzfelder der Digitalisierung wachsen ebenso wie der Anspruch auf eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft, welcher auf die Forderungen der 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) zurückzuführen ist. Eine gemeinsame Betrachtungsweise ist unumgänglich und gegensätzliche Ansprüche müssen überdacht werden. Namhafte und engagierte Expert*innen zeigen, dass nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und Digitalisierung keine Gegenpole sein müssen. Geschrieben für Menschen, die sich ihrer unternehmerischen, ökologischen und sozialen Verantwortung bewusst sind und nach Impulsen für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung suchen. Dazu bieten die Autor*innen aus Wissenschaft, Institutionen und Wirtschaft neue Perspektiven auf die großen Zukunftsfelder Arbeit, Bauen, Berufliche Bildung, Energie, Gesundheit, Industrie, Kommunikation, Konsum, Kunst & Kultur, Landwirtschaft, Mobilität und Tourismus. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 49.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials
    Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials

    Bonus KitKat material is available for download at What Every Android™ App Developer Should Know Today: Android Tools, App/UI Design, Testing, Publishing, And More This fully reworked edition of a proven title is the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android™ apps. The content is revised and updated for the latest Android 4.3 SDK and the newest development best practices. Introduction to Android™ Application Development: Android Essentials, Fourth Edition, covers all you need to quickly start developing professional apps for today’s Android devices. Three expert developers guide you through setting up your development environment, designing user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your entire app-development process–from design through publication. Updated throughout, this title includes extensive coverage of the most useful new Android tools and utilities. It adds an all-new chapter on planning an amazing Android app user experience, plus extensive new coverage of unit testing, dialogs, preferences, and app publishing. Throughout, key concepts are taught through clear, up-to-date example code.   This edition offers Fully updated introductions to the latest Android 4.3 APIs, tools, utilities, and best practices Up-to-date strategies for leveraging new Android capabilities while preserving compatibility Navigation patterns and code samples for delivering more intuitive user experiences Example-based explanations of ActionBars, DialogFragments, and other key concepts Expert automated testing techniques to quickly improve code quality New Google Play Developer Console app publishing techniques that also offer more control  For Android developers at all levels of experience, this reference is now more valuable than ever. Students, instructors, and self-learners will especially appreciate new chapter-ending questions and exercises, carefully designed to test knowledge and deepen mastery.   Annuzzi has released new source code samples for use with Android Studio. The code updates are posted to the associated blog site: Note: This revamped, newly titled edition is a complete update of Android™ Wireless Application Development, Volume I: Android Essentials, Third Edition  

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Android Concurrency
    Android Concurrency

    Write Apps for Maximum Performance and Responsiveness“Threading and concurrency are as important in mobile as they are in large, distributed systems. This book does an excellent job of re-introducing us to the basic concepts and describing how to apply them to the Android framework. Even the most experienced Android developer should pick up at least a few tricks from these pages.”—Dave Smith, PE, Google Developer Expert for AndroidMastering concurrency is critical to developing software with superior performance and responsiveness. This is especially true for Android, where interruptions are frequent and abrupt, and in order to be correct, programs must be aware of component and process lifecycles in addition to being thread safe.You need a deep, Android-specific understanding of concurrency—and Android Concurrency delivers it. This guide in Addison-Wesley’s Android Deep Dive series for experienced Android developers helps you leverage today’s multi-core processors and heavily cached architectures, as well as major improvements built into Android 5 (Lollipop).Top Android developer and consultant Blake Meike strips the magic and mystery from concurrent programming and presents intensely practical solutions for everything from inter-thread communication to network communication. Meike introduces a simple but powerful architectural framework you can use to address new issues whenever they arise, and offers expert guidance for debugging even highly complex concurrency issues.Android Concurrency combines in-depth knowledge, proven patterns and idioms, and world-class insights for avoiding performance-killing mistakes. For serious Android developers, it will be an indispensable resource.You will• Gain new clarity about what concurrency really is, and how concurrent processes work• Master best practices for writing concurrent code that’s more robust and less susceptible to weird, hard-to-diagnose errors• Review the Java concurrency mechanisms Android’s constructs are built upon• Shape an approach to concurrency that reflects the unique characteristics of the Android environment• Avoid widespread misconceptions that lead Android developers into trouble• Make the most of AsyncTask—but only when it’s the right tool for the job• Leverage the powerful, lightweight Looper/Handler framework to support scheduled, asynchronous tasks and execute many message types• Use the Android Service component to separate business logic from UI• Understand the differences between started and bound services and use them effectively for intra- and inter-process communication• Perform scheduled tasks, including tasks requiring polling and explicit scheduling• Track down problems via static analysis, annotations, and assertions

    Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials
    Android Wireless Application Development Volume I: Android Essentials

    Android Wireless Application Development has earned a reputation as the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps. Now, authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have systematically revised and updated this guide for the latest Android SDK 4.0. To accommodate their extensive new coverage, they’ve split the book into two volumes. Volume I focuses on Android essentials, including setting up your development environment, understanding the application lifecycle, designing effective user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your mobile app development process--from design through publishing. Every chapter has been thoroughly updated for the newest APIs, tools, utilities, and hardware. All sample code has been overhauled and tested on leading devices from multiple companies, and many new examples have been added. Drawing on decades of in-the-trenches experience as professional mobile developers, Darcey and Conder provide valuable new best practices--including powerful techniques for constructing more portable apps. This new edition contains full chapters on Android manifest files, content providers, effective app design, and testing; an all-new chapter on tackling compatibility issues; coverage of today’s most valuable new Android tools and utilities; and even more exclusive tips and tricks. An indispensable resource for every Android development team member.  

    Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitalisierung auf das Baugewerbe in Bezug auf Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation?

    Die Digitalisierung hat das Baugewerbe effizienter gemacht, indem sie den Einsatz von Bautechnologien wie Building Information Modeling (BIM) ermöglicht hat, um Planung, Design und Konstruktion zu optimieren. Darüber hinaus hat die Digitalisierung zu einer verbesserten Nachhaltigkeit im Baugewerbe beigetragen, indem sie die Überwachung und Optimierung des Energieverbrauchs und der Ressourcennutzung ermöglicht hat. Schließlich hat die Digitalisierung auch zu Innovationen im Baugewerbe geführt, indem sie die Einführung neuer Bautechnologien und Materialien sowie die Entwicklung intelligenter Gebäudesysteme ermöglicht hat.

  • Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitalisierung auf das Baugewerbe in Bezug auf Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation?

    Die Digitalisierung im Baugewerbe führt zu einer verbesserten Effizienz durch den Einsatz von Bauprojektmanagement-Software, die die Planung, Koordination und Überwachung von Bauprojekten erleichtert. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Digitalisierung die Implementierung von nachhaltigen Baupraktiken, wie z.B. die Verwendung von digitalen Modellen zur Optimierung von Material- und Energieverbrauch. Zudem fördert die Digitalisierung Innovationen im Baugewerbe, indem sie die Einführung neuer Bautechnologien und Bauprozesse erleichtert, wie z.B. den Einsatz von 3D-Druckern für den Bau von Gebäuden. Insgesamt trägt die Digitalisierung dazu bei, die Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation im Baugewerbe zu verbessern.

  • Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitalisierung auf das Baugewerbe in Bezug auf Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation?

    Die Digitalisierung im Baugewerbe führt zu einer erhöhten Effizienz durch den Einsatz von Bauprojektmanagement-Software, die die Planung und Koordination von Bauprojekten erleichtert. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die Digitalisierung die Integration von nachhaltigen Baupraktiken, wie z.B. die Verwendung von Materialien mit geringer Umweltbelastung und die Optimierung von Energieeffizienz in Gebäuden. Zudem fördert die Digitalisierung Innovationen im Baugewerbe, indem sie die Einführung neuer Bautechnologien und Bauprozesse erleichtert, wie z.B. den Einsatz von 3D-Druckern für den Bau von Gebäuden und die Implementierung von Building Information Modeling (BIM) für eine ganzheitliche Planung und Konstruktion von Gebäuden.

  • Bekommt Android 12 kein Android?

    Android 12 ist die nächste Version des Betriebssystems Android. Es wird also definitiv Android sein. Es handelt sich um ein Update des bestehenden Android-Betriebssystems, das neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen bringt.

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    CYRIL OP12A Modularhelm - Flexibilität und Sicherheit in einem Helm. Beschreibung:. Der CYRIL OP12A Modularhelm bietet Ihnen das Beste aus zwei Welten: die Sicherheit eines Integralhelms und die Flexibilität eines Jethelms. Mit seinem modularen Design können Sie den Kinnschutz bei Bedarf hochklappen und so zwischen zwei verschiedenen Tragevarianten wählen.. Highlights:. Modulares Design: Wandeln Sie den Helm mit einem Handgriff von einem Integralhelm in einen Jethelm um.. Doppelvisier: Ausgestattet mit einem klaren und einem getönten Visier für optimale Sicht bei allen Lichtverhältnissen.. Schnellverschluss: Der Kinnschutz lässt sich mit einer Quick-Release-Schnalle schnell und einfach öffnen und schließen.. Sicher und robust: Hergestellt aus hochwertigem ABS-Material für optimalen Schutz bei einem Aufprall.. Komfortabel: Das Innenfutter ist aus weichem und atmungsaktivem Material gefertigt und sorgt für einen angenehmen Tragekomfort.. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Ideal für Motorrad-, Roller- und Quad-Fahrer.. Technische Daten:. Markenname: CYRIL. Modellnummer: OP12A. Helmtyp: Modularhelm. Material: ABS. Geschlecht: Unisex. Gewicht: 1500 g. Zertifizierung: DOT, ECE-R22/05. Farbe: [Bitte verfügbare Farben angeben]. Größen: [Bitte verfügbare Größen angeben]. Lieferumfang:. 1 x CYRIL OP12A Modularhelm. Produkt Tags:. Motorradhelm, Modularhelm, Integralhelm, Jethelm, Doppelvisier, Quick-Release, CYRIL, DOT, ECE-R22/05, Unisex. qualitätszertifikat: Ece-r22/05

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  • Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials
    Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials

    What Every Android App Developer Should Know Today: Android 6 Tools, App/UI Design, Testing, Publishing, and More   Introduction to Android™ Application Development, Fifth Edition, is the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps with the new Android 6 SDK, Android Studio, and latest development best practices. Bigger, better, and more comprehensive than ever, this book covers everything you need to start developing professional apps for modern Android devices. If you’re serious about Android development, this guide will prepare you to build virtually any app you can imagine!   Three well-respected experts guide you through setting up your development environment, designing user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your entire app-development process. Up-to-date code listings support in-depth explanations of key API features, and many chapters contain multiple sample apps.   This fifth edition adds brand-new chapters on material design, styling applications, design patterns, and querying with SQLite. You’ll find a treasure trove of Android Studio tips, plus a brand-new appendix on the Gradle build system. This edition also offers Updated coverage of the latest Android 5.1 and 6 APIs, tools, utilities, and best practices New coverage of the Android 6.0 permission model Powerful techniques for integrating material design into your apps An all-new chapter on using styles and reusing common UI components Extensive new coverage of app design, architecture, and backward compatibility A full chapter on using SQLite with persistent database-backed app data Revised quiz questions and exercises to test your knowledge  Download this book’s source code at or

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  • Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials
    Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials

    What Every Android App Developer Should Know Today: Android 6 Tools, App/UI Design, Testing, Publishing, and More   Introduction to Android™ Application Development, Fifth Edition, is the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps with the new Android 6 SDK, Android Studio, and latest development best practices. Bigger, better, and more comprehensive than ever, this book covers everything you need to start developing professional apps for modern Android devices. If you’re serious about Android development, this guide will prepare you to build virtually any app you can imagine!   Three well-respected experts guide you through setting up your development environment, designing user interfaces, developing for diverse devices, and optimizing your entire app-development process. Up-to-date code listings support in-depth explanations of key API features, and many chapters contain multiple sample apps.   This fifth edition adds brand-new chapters on material design, styling applications, design patterns, and querying with SQLite. You’ll find a treasure trove of Android Studio tips, plus a brand-new appendix on the Gradle build system. This edition also offers Updated coverage of the latest Android 5.1 and 6 APIs, tools, utilities, and best practices New coverage of the Android 6.0 permission model Powerful techniques for integrating material design into your apps An all-new chapter on using styles and reusing common UI components Extensive new coverage of app design, architecture, and backward compatibility A full chapter on using SQLite with persistent database-backed app data Revised quiz questions and exercises to test your knowledge  Download this book’s source code at or

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Android Concurrency
    Android Concurrency

    Write Apps for Maximum Performance and Responsiveness“Threading and concurrency are as important in mobile as they are in large, distributed systems. This book does an excellent job of re-introducing us to the basic concepts and describing how to apply them to the Android framework. Even the most experienced Android developer should pick up at least a few tricks from these pages.”—Dave Smith, PE, Google Developer Expert for AndroidMastering concurrency is critical to developing software with superior performance and responsiveness. This is especially true for Android, where interruptions are frequent and abrupt, and in order to be correct, programs must be aware of component and process lifecycles in addition to being thread safe.You need a deep, Android-specific understanding of concurrency—and Android Concurrency delivers it. This guide in Addison-Wesley’s Android Deep Dive series for experienced Android developers helps you leverage today’s multi-core processors and heavily cached architectures, as well as major improvements built into Android 5 (Lollipop).Top Android developer and consultant Blake Meike strips the magic and mystery from concurrent programming and presents intensely practical solutions for everything from inter-thread communication to network communication. Meike introduces a simple but powerful architectural framework you can use to address new issues whenever they arise, and offers expert guidance for debugging even highly complex concurrency issues.Android Concurrency combines in-depth knowledge, proven patterns and idioms, and world-class insights for avoiding performance-killing mistakes. For serious Android developers, it will be an indispensable resource.You will• Gain new clarity about what concurrency really is, and how concurrent processes work• Master best practices for writing concurrent code that’s more robust and less susceptible to weird, hard-to-diagnose errors• Review the Java concurrency mechanisms Android’s constructs are built upon• Shape an approach to concurrency that reflects the unique characteristics of the Android environment• Avoid widespread misconceptions that lead Android developers into trouble• Make the most of AsyncTask—but only when it’s the right tool for the job• Leverage the powerful, lightweight Looper/Handler framework to support scheduled, asynchronous tasks and execute many message types• Use the Android Service component to separate business logic from UI• Understand the differences between started and bound services and use them effectively for intra- and inter-process communication• Perform scheduled tasks, including tasks requiring polling and explicit scheduling• Track down problems via static analysis, annotations, and assertions

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  • Wie beeinflusst die Digitalisierung das Baugewerbe in Bezug auf Effizienz, Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit?

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